
Showing posts from May, 2021

What Is the Habitable Planet ?

                                             What Is the Habitable Planet ? What Is the Habitable Planet ? | Explained in 2.2 Minutes A planet’s habitability, or ability to harbor life, results from a complex network of interactions between the planet itself, the system it’s a part of, and the star it orbits. The standard definition for a habitable planet is one that can sustain life for a significant period of time. As far as researchers know, this requires a planet to have liquid water. To detect this water from space, it must be on the planet’s surface. The region around a star where liquid surface water can exist on a planet’s surface is called the “habitable zone.” However, this definition is confined to our understanding of current and past life on Earth and the environments present on other planets. As researchers learn more and discover new environments in which life can sustain itself, the requirements for life on other planets may be redefined. Different types of planets may

Super Blood Moon, May 26, 2021 : Science and Myths Behind

  Super Blood Moon 2021 Myths & Science Behind                           Super Blood Moon 2021 : Myths & Science Behind Data visualization of the May 26, 2021 supermoon eclipse or ‘super blood moon’. Credit: NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio This month brings the “most super” of the year’s supermoons, and on top of that, a total lunar eclipse. In other words, on May 26, 2021, the  full moon  will enter Earth’s shadow — and, when the Moon is not in our planet’s shade, it will appear even bigger and brighter than usual. What is a supermoon? The Moon travels around our planet in an elliptical orbit, or an elongated circle. Each month, the Moon passes through perigee (the point closest to Earth) and apogee (the point farthest from Earth). When the Moon is at or near its closest point to Earth at the same time as it is full, it is called a “ supermoon .” During this event, because the full moon is a little bit closer to us than usual, it appears especially large and bright in

How Space Suits Work in Space

                         How Space Suits Work in Space  How Space Suits Work Space suits provide oxygen, temperature control and some protection from radiation. PHOTO COURTESY  NASA Think about how you suit up when you go outside on a ­cold winter's day. You have your shirt, pants, sweater, perhaps long underwear, jacket, gloves, hat or hood, scarf and boots. You put on quite a bit of clothing to protect you from the cold. Now, imagine what you would have to put on to protect you from outer space. Space suits must provide all of the comfort and support that the Earth or a spacecraft does, addressing issues like atmosphere, water and protection from radiation. Outer space is an extremely hostile place. If you were to step outside a spacecraft and you weren't wearing a space suit, the following things could happen: You could become unconscious within 15 seconds because there's no oxygen. Your  blood  and body fluids could "boil" and then freeze because there is litt